Hairspray Live! is a television special that aired live on NBC on December 7, 2016. It is a performance of a new adaptation of the 2002 Broadway musical Hairspray, an American musical based on the 1988 John Waters film of the same name.
Hairspray Live! was produced by Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, and hosted by Darren Criss.
The soundtrack was released 5 days prior to the live event and included tracks from the 2007 film remake's performers.[1]
- Ricki Lake and Marissa Jaret Winokur make cameos as Pinkettes. Lake and Winokur originated the role of Tracy Turnblad on film and stage respectively.
- Ricki Lake has appeared in every filmed version of Hairspray since her role in Hairspray (1988).
- Harvey Fierstein originated the role of Edna Turnblad on stage as part of the original Broadway cast. He reprises this role in Hairspray Live!
- Kamilah Marshall, Shayna Steele, and Judine Roberts originated The Dynamites on Broadway. They reprise these roles in Hairspray Live! This time, however, their characters are given names: Peaches, Pearl, and Cindy Watkins respectively.