Hairspray Wiki
Hairspray Wiki

Big, Blond And Beautiful - Hairspray (2007)

Big, Blond and Beautiful is a musical number in both the musical and 2007 film adaptations of Hairspray. It is sung by Motormouth Maybelle at her platter party, and it later becomes a song that is sung to Edna about how beauty doesn't necessarily mean skinny.

In the 2007 film, the song is later reprised by both Edna and Velma Von Tussle when the latter tries to seduce Wilbur Turnblad. The reprise isn't in the stage production. It was added to the movie to advance the plot.

Big Blond and Beautiful takes place at Motormouth Record Store, while the reprise takes place at The Hardy Har Hut.

Motormouth Record Store

Motormouth Record Store

A deleted version with just Velma's lyrics and scenes can be found on the 2-disc DVD and Blu-Ray Disc of the 2007 film.
